Hello👋, I'M Fahmy Fauzi Alvianda


image fahmy
A recent graduate with an interest in IT and programming, with a primary focus on backend development using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. I have mastered various concepts, from basic to advanced, including server creation, route management, and using Express as a framework. In addition, I also have expertise in designing and managing databases with MongoDB. Besides focusing on Node.js, Express, and MongoDB technologies only. I also have experience in web development with PHP and Laravel. I am always eager to continue expanding my knowledge in IT and programming to deliver the best results in every project.
Name: Fahmy Fauzi Alvianda
Age: 24 Years
Job: Junior Web Developer
Citizenship: Indonesia
Residence: Kawali, Ciamis
E-mail: fahmyfauzii@gmail.com


  1. Junior Programmer - CV. Channa Striatas Mediatek

    - Created an android application "Pharmacist Information System" (SIAp) collaboratively in a team. I was responsible for the implementation and management of the Room Database section by using a clean architecture approach and applying the Model View ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern.

    - I participated in the development of web-based applications, especially in the "Pharma Career" project. My main focus was on the frontend aspect, where I had the responsibility of slicing the design from Figma to HTML based on the available templates, as well as participating in the frontend creation using angularjs.

  2. Junior Web Developer - PT. Cantara Digital Innovation

    Improve the performance of job vacancy provider websites that are still using Wordpress and many plugins are installed which cause the website performance to be heavy so that it must be upgraded using the Laravel framework.


  1. Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

    Informatics Engineering - GPA 3.50

    My Final Project is titled "Comparison of Brute Force Algorithm with Boyer-Moore Algorithm on Web-Based Job Search Application" (2023). In this research, I identified problems, collected data, analyzed needs, implemented both algorithms using the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework, and tested the speed and accuracy of the data obtained from the search.

  2. SMK Muhammadiyah Kawali

    Light Vehicle Engineering

  3. SMPN 3 Kawali

  4. MIS Plus Al-Ittihaad



May 2022

Job Vacancy

January 2024

SIAp Notifikasi Mobile


Pharma Career



Winduraja,Kec. Kawali, Kab. Ciamis